>Last night our Publisher, Victoria Black, and Account Manager, Liana Bowes, were privileged to attend the “Black Diamond” opening night of the new Le Montage.
“The freshly renovated venue is truly magical, overlooking the water with gorgeous trees embellished with twinkling fairy-lights. Flame throwers and lively musicians greeted the guests as impeccable staff served the thousand-odd crowd with divine apple martinis, sparkling champagne and peach cocktails and tasty little mouthfuls of yum!
Fireworks over the water heralded the official opening and the party went off with a bang!
Politicians rubbed shoulders with Sydney’s elite event managers, media and the Italian glitterati. Dramatic black with glamour and massive bling was a visual feast for all. The expert wait-staff moved us gently from room to room as even more divine designer details were revealed… pill-box girls with trays of sweet bubbly, which they actually wore as a dress (very hard to describe – the trays came out from their waist and were attached to their bodice), glided around their impressed audience.
Every function room was simply stunning – an unbelievable place for a wedding.”
Left to right: Dean and partner (Austrek), Liana Bowes (Account Manager), Victoria Black (Publisher).
Left to right: Victoria Black, Jeff Fenech, Liana Bowes.
Left to right: Liana Bowes, Michael Cartwright (Pure Events), Victoria Black
The stunning Le Montage.
Well done guys on such a fabulous opening!!