Weddings are expensive not only for you, but for your bridesmaids too. As you know I am engaged and planning a wedding for March next year. I was discussing a kitchen tea with my maid of honour and although we’d love to go out for a gorgeous high tea, they often cost around $50. We felt that we were asking too much of my darling bridesmaids and girlfriends, so like my engagement party we’ve decided to host this kitchen tea at home and ‘cuten’ it up with a few DIY ideas!
To decorate the space I LOVE these tissue paper pom poms. They’re inexpensive and look amazing when hung from the ceiling in groups. I can’t go past the colour pink when it comes to a girly event, but you can make them in any colour you would like.
What you will need:
Quantities to make one pom pom
10 Sheets of tissue paper 50cm x 70 cm wide.
1 Pipe cleaner
String or fishing line for hanging
Step 1
Stack ten sheets of paper on top of one another. Fold the layers together in accordion style with 4cm wide folds creasing the layers as you go. Take the pipe cleaner and gently wrap it around the centre of the folded paper and twist to secure. Trim the ends with scissors into a round or pointy shape to give them a petal-like look.
Step 2
Fan the flower out on a flat surface ready to separate the layers. Thread the string through the pipe cleaner and tie a knot. This is to hang the pom pom and is best done before it is opened out.
Step 3
Gently separate the layers one piece at a time starting from the centre being very careful not to tear the paper. Once layers are separated you will need to hang the pom poms and fluff the layers to get a complete ball. It does get easier with practice.
Hint: Provide your bridesmaids with supplies and instructions so they can help make a few in their own time.
Spread the financial burden and ask guests to bring along one of their signature dishes to share. Tell them to bring along the recipe so it can be put into a recipe book for the bride. Have your guests nominate their dish when they RSVP so you don’t end up with 15 plates of ‘Nanna’s famous choc-chip cookies’!
Create a point of interest on the table with papier mache letters. We thought ‘LOVE’ was appropriate for the occasion or you might like to have a bit of fun and spell out the bride’s new name eg. MRS. SMITH. Papier mache letters are available from Spotlight and we have painted them pink to fit in with a pink theme.
Hint: To spark conversation, get out all your Modern Wedding mags and place them around the table. The girls can browse through them while they sit and eat.
What are you and your bridesmaids planning to do for a kitchen tea? Leave a comment or share it with us on our facebook!
Isabel 🙂