At the beginning of the week, we asked you how stressed you are about your wedding and the results showed that a whopping 25% of you are lying awake at night in a stupor of worry!
The bright side of the story is that you’re not alone and there are ways to deal with and prevent the stress.
Planning a wedding can be an extremely stressful time. Health care company, Bupa recently conducted a national survey, which showed that one in five engaged Australians have reconsidered getting married due to wedding-related stress.
photo by glendali
Brides are told that this time should be fun and joyful however many couples find that it is just the opposite. Brides and grooms don’t quite agree on where the stress comes from, but interestingly they do agree equally on one cause of stress – the mother of the bride!!! Is this true for you??
Overall, brides and grooms blame themselves as a cause of anxiety, but it would seem other people are still the cause of some serious stress. The survey found that 15% of people getting married have banned a family member or friend from attending their wedding as a result of wedding-related stress!!
Here is the breakdown of the biggest wedding stressors:
Information from Bupa
Bupa Health and Wellness Advisor, Guy Leech, says it’s important people put their wedding day in perspective. “Rather than being so overwhelmed that you reconsider getting married, or start uninviting friends and family, people need to implement some simple strategies to better manage stress.”
Pay close attention bridezillas (and groomzillas), here are Leech’s tips to combat your stress.
Work together – Get your partner involved with planning for the big day. Attempting to plan a wedding on your own is asking for stress.
CHP Image Studio
Agree roles – Come to an agreement early on regarding how much involvement each of you will have and how you’re going to reach solutions.
Get enough sleep -Excitement and anxiety around the big day keeps many brides out of bed, even if they’re exhausted. Try meditation or yoga to prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
Stay healthy – Exercising as little as 30 minutes a day may help to combat stress as well as keep you in good shape. Cut back on the caffeine; stock up on healthy snacks; don’t skip breakfast.
Photo by Cheryl Empey
Learn to say ‘no’ – Don’t try to satisfy everyone. In order to stress less, you have to learn to say ‘no’ so that you don’t over-commit yourself.
Don’t over-commit financially – Starting marriage with large debts will put a strain on life soon after the wedding.
It’s all about you (two) – Remember that for all the stress about guests, flowers, cakes etc your love is what’s going to last forever.
Cameron Bloom Photography
Be organised – Organisation is the key to feeling in control. By registering on Modern Wedding you will have seven planning tools to help you plan and sort ideas, supplies and lists. A little organisation goes along way in managing stress and curbing those freak out moments!
Thanks to Bupa for sharing those findings with us.
I hope all our stressed brides can find some relief soon and the rest of you continue in your less stressed journeys.
Do you have any stress-busting tips for other brides? Share them with us in the comments section below or on our facebook page!
Isabel 🙂