A bride can spend hours searching for the right bridesmaid dresses for her best girls. We wanted to share these gorgeous and equally individual Bridesmaid Dresses from Bari Jay to make the task of frock finding just a little bit easier. Pin them, save them and show them to your girls! It’s the only time you’ll decide what a fully grown woman wears to an event so be kind! After all your bridesmaid dresses are a reflection of your own personal sense of style and a key element in your overall wedding theme.
We love that these bridesmaid dresses maintain a traditional elegant feel with modern elements which keep them from feeling ‘typically taffeta’. Both long and short, dark and light, there is something to suit even the most discerning bride (and fussy bridesmaid!). Bari Jay bridesmaid dresses are stocked in bridal stores throughout Australia. Click here to find your nearest store.
Which of the bridesmaid dresses above is your favourite?
MW x