D I L E M M A R E C A P # 1 7 .
Dilemma of the day:
“I am getting married next year and we have sent out all our friends invites. We are now at the point where we wish we hadn’t invited certain people. The worst situation is a girl who offered to do my hair and was invited has fallen out with me for a very silly reason that was none of her business. What do we do? I’m hurt that she has treated me badly and feel I don’t want her at my wedding as well as two other people. Would you un invite them or grit your teeth and pay for them to attend?” #mwdilemma
Dilemma of the day:
“Our wedding is on the books for late 2018 and I’m already finding a lot of issues putting my ideas forward to the mothers and my groom. I’m quite relaxed about the planning, as long as it’s good food, great tunes and all my friends and family there I will be happy. But I have a few ideas and a few vetos that just are being ignored. For instance I’d love a petting zoo for between the ceremony and reception, our venue has the facilities to allow this. I think it’d be great fun and a laugh (and the photos would be amazing!) but I keep getting shut down. Also my request for no bagpipes to be played is being laughed off. Am I not allowed to have any say? Do I need to turn into bridezilla?” #mwdilemma
Dilemma of the Day:
“Those who have encountered the ever popular “alternate drop” menu options, is there often a scurry of plate swapping after the meals have been served? How do you ensure everyone is happy? Also, do you mention the selections on the invitation? (I’m worried by doing this that people would rsvp with their preferred meal, whereas we don’t actually have control over who gets what). How do you handle this?” #MWDilemma
Dilemma of the day:
“I need serious help with a dilemma, my parents split last year and my dad has a new partner. I have never met her because my dad cheated with her on my mum. I said to both my parents they couldn’t bring a partner with them to my wedding this year but now my dad is saying he won’t come if his partner can’t come and my mum won’t come if she’s there and I also don’t particularly want her there as it’s a family event and it will cause a lot of tension between my family. Help!” #mwdilemma
Dilemma of the day:
“I found a gown in your magazine that I love, but I think it’s a bridesmaids dress. It’s a really pretty soft peachy pink. I love the idea of wearing something different, like something that’s not white, but my Mum and MIL both think I should go for something more traditional. What do I do? Do I go and get the dress that I love? Or do I back down and try some other more traditional gowns to placate the Mums?” #dilemmaoftheday
Dilemma of the day:
“I recently got engaged and my fiancé proposed to me with his grandmother’s ring. I’m so honoured that he and his mother would offer this beautiful ring to me, but I’m quite close to his sister and for years she’s been dreaming of having this ring for herself. I’m not sure if she ever told this to anyone in her family and I don’t want to bring it up at the risk of offending my fiancé and MIL to be but I can tell that she is really upset. What should I do?” #dilemmaoftheday
Dilemma of the day: “
Ok, so this is a bit complicated, but bear with me. I grew up with adoptive parents. I called them Mum and Dad and they’re my parents, really. Anyway, about five years ago I found my biological father and met him and his family and we get along really well. Now that I’m engaged, I’m trying to figure out if I can incorporate both my adoptive parents and my biological father into my wedding day. I love my parents and I’m so thankful for them, but I have this new connection with my biological father and I’d really like to somehow have him involved. Any ideas about how I can do this without upsetting my parents?” #mwdilemma
Drowning in a dilemma? Confused with a question? Let us ask our community and get your wedding day problems solved! Send us a private message on Facebook.