On your big day you want your best feature to be beautiful, bright and sparkly. The eyes are the windows to your soul, and never will they be more of a focus than on your wedding day. In the lead-up, there are a few things you can do to ensure perfect peepers, says Makeup Artist Julie Elton.
Firstly, drink lots of water. Dehydration is a common cause of dark circles and puffiness.
Secondly, get plenty of sleep. “You need to be getting at least eight hours a night the week before your wedding,” says Julie. “As if you don’t, it can make the skin appear pale and this bring out the bluish shade or darkness around your eyes.”
Image courtesy Mark Anthony
If you suffer from allergies or hayfever this could be a big contributor to dark or puffy eyes. “A great treatment eye drop for this, which can be used daily is Naphon Con A Eye drops,” says Julie. “They’re sold over the counter in the chemist and they’re amazing! They flush the blood out of your capilliaries and stop your eyes getting itchy and irritated. They make the whites of your eyes sparkle, which helps to detract from dark circles!” If you do suffer from allergies or hayfever, make sure you take your anti-histamines in the week leading up to the wedding, and have some on hand on the day. “I always carry Zyrtec in my kit!” says Julie.
Circulation is important also, “The skin around the eye area is thin and delicate,” says Julie. “Sometimes we use too heavy a product to cleanse this area. Don’t ever use face cleanser, baby oil or anything oily for that matter around your eyes. You need a specially formulated eye makeup remover so you don’t pollute the area,” she says. Suggestions include: Clarins Eye Makeup Remover, Clarins Eye Contour Gel and Clarins Skin Smoothing Eye Fatigue Mask. “Clarins Eye Makeup remover is amazing,” says Julie. “It increases circulation, includes a protein treatment for lashes and removes all eye makeup beautifully.” Julie also suggests that you select products that natural ingredients such as plant extracts.
Clarins Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, available from http://int.clarins.com
Clarins Skin Smoothing Eye Mask, available from http://int.clarins.com
Clarins Eye Contour Gel, available from http://int.clarins.com
Fluid Retention can cause puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. “Limit salt and salty foods and cut them out all together in the lead up to your wedding day,” says Julie. “Salt causes fluid retention and puffy eyes, which in turn can contribute to dark circles by creating a heaviness under the eyes.”
One month before – Drink water, get rest, take allergy medication as needed, don’t have any salt at all, take a concentrated Vitamin C supplement, always wear sunglasses when going outside.
On the day and night before – Apply cool teabags over closed eyes for 15 minutes (use regular tea, not herbal), apply cool cucumber slices over the eyes for 15 mins (cool the cucumber in the fridge before applying), use eye fatigue mask the night before after applying teabags and cucumbers.
Covering Dark Circles is the last step, if on the day you still find yourself looking a little tired. “There are many concealers on the market,” says Julie. “But before applying any makeup you need to do a gentle exfoliation. A clay based exfoliator is much gentler on the delicate eye area. Clarins Gentle Facial Peel is great as it has a clay and talc base. It’s very absorbing.” Then use a non oily eye cream to moisturise and hydrate this area. “Otherwise concealers can look cakey and aging,” says Julie. “I like to use a creamy concealer in stick form. I love YSL Touche Eclat for brightening eyes and M.A.C Studio Sculpt Concealer. They go on beautifully, they’re non drying and give great coverage.”
M.A.C Cosmetics Studio Sculpt Concealer, available from www.maccosmetics.com.au
Hopefully these steps will help you get your peepers perfect for the big day!
Makeup by Julie Elton, www.julieeltonmakeup.com.au
Thanks so much to Julie Elton Makeup Artist for all her wonderful knowledge, wisdom and assistance in putting this post together. Find out more www.julieeltonmakeup.com.au
What’s your biggest big day beauty worry? Do you have any tips and tricks we should know about? Let us know! Leave your comments, stop by Facebook or tweet us @ModernWeddingOz
Rosemary xox
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