Earlier this week we shared what dates you may want to avoid for your 2017/18 nuptials so naturally, we had to share what dates TO use! Grab a pen and paper and get ready to save the best wedding dates!
Photography by We Are Origami / Venue Beachside Dojo / Gown Bridesmaids Only / Makeup Amy Chan Hair and Makeup / Hair Hair By Jodi
Get swept up in Romance..
Valentine’s Day is Tuesday 14th February 2017 and Wednesday 14th February 2018 – both great days to get married so long as you don’t want lots of red roses as that may well break the bank.
Dates for good luck!
The Chinese believe that any date that ends in an 8 or 9 are particularly lucky as 8 symbolises infinity and 9 represents fulfilment. Feng Shui logic says the 8th, 9th, 18th, 19th, 28th and 29th are great wedding dates. Alternatively, any date that adds up to 8 is especially favoured for commitment so the 17th and 26th are also lucky days as well.
The 8th day of the 8th month is especially favoured by the Chinese which is why the Beijing Olympics opened on 08/08/2008. The 8th of August is a Tuesday in 2017 and a Wednesday in 2018.
Easy dates to remember…
To help your groom remember his anniversary more easily you may want to choose a date that is easier to remember such as 07/01/17 or 18/05/18 or the Saturdays 17/06/17 or 17/11/17. The 18th of August 2018 (18/08/18) is particularly auspicious.
The ultimate party!
The Irish believe that getting married on New Year’s Eve is very lucky as the couple will wake up for their first day as husband and wife on the first day of the new year.
Any time in June
The sixth month has always been considered a good month for marriages since the month is named after Juno the Roman Goddess of marriage.
If you’re one for poetry, let this old favourite be your guide…
“A January bride will be a prudent housekeeper and very good tempered
A February bride will be an affectionate wife and a tender mother
A March bride will be a frivolous chatterbox somewhat given to quarrelling
An April bride will be inconsistent or forceful but well-meaning
A May bride will be handsome, agreeable and practical
A June bride will be impetuous and generous
A July bride will be handsome but a trifle quick tempered
An August bride will be agreeable and practical as well
A September bride will be discreet, affable and much liked
An October bride will be pretty, coquettish, loving but jealous
A November bride will be liberal and kind but sometimes cold
A December bride will be fond of novelty, entertaining but extravagant”.
But ultimately…
It’s up to you! At the end of the day you must choose a day that is right for you. This maybe the anniversary of when you met or when you got engaged, a special birthday or a date that honours your parents or grandparents. Whatever you choose, if it has special meaning for you, it will be the best date.
Now that you’ve got your date, be sure to check out our top tips for sending your save the dates and wedding invitation etiquette!