
Contact your wedding florist for Grandiflora Roses.

The perfect wedding roses for your perfect wedding day

A wedding day entails much planning over many months. Each bride puts hours into deciding every detail to perfection. When it comes to wedding flowers, today’s brides want both beauty and longevity. Grandiflora’s Classic Rose line represents the pinnacle of wedding floristry.

Grandiflora roses have been created specifically with brides in mind; Grandiflora’s Classic roses are beautifully shape blooms that are available in over 40 colours that blend superbly with one another, many with a complimenting fragrance. Classic roses are perfect for bridal bouquets and any church and reception decorations and much more. From natural to traditional elegant, bohemian chic to sophisticated design—Grandiflora Classic roses in the hands of a professional florist will be perfect for any bridal bouquet or venue design.

From those who know roses best

 Grandiflora is an Australian owned family company with a long standing reputation as a leading grower in floriculture for over 60 years. Grandiflora is Australia’s largest cut rose grower, known for its professional rose breeding, growing and supply of Australia’s finest cut-flower roses. Available throughout Australia, in choosing Grandiflora roses, brides can be assured they are getting the most beautiful roses Australia has to offer.

Select your wedding roses today

 Grandiflora roses are sold exclusively through florists. Grandiflora does not sell direct to brides or public, we are strictly wholesale; our expertise is in the creating and growing of roses. We advise that you contact a Florist as they are the professionals in assisting, advising in designing your dream wedding bouquet and other floral arrangements.

Please visit the Grandiflora website ( where you will find our entire rose collection and our bride section where you will find frequently asked questions.

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