>Upon being recently engaged (woot!) I have been bombarded by two questions – Where? And Wear?
Naturally, I have spent hours researching the ‘wear’, and may have let slide the where…
Can’t you just picture it now? Thank you lovely Collette Dinnigan
And then there is the adorable Rachel Gilbert, how I love thee…
Soft ballet-pink hues are sweet.
There is, of course, the illustrious designs of our overseas friends found at Net-A-Porter (thank you for being a part of my daily web life).
Issa gown from heaven.
And hey, if we aren’t looking at reception venues yet, why not get caught up looking for shoes. I would argue this is a very valuable use of time.
Jimmy Choo
Christian Louboutin
Shoes, glorious shoes!
Oh and while I’m at it, I might as well look at some honeymoon wear…
Cutler and Gross on Net-A-Porter.
Vintage bathers from an Aussie home girl My Sister Pat Hoot and holler!
I will never find a reception venue…