D I L E M M A R E C A P # 4 .
Dilemma of the Day: “I recently got engaged and my engagement party is in November. I plan on ‘proposing’ to my maids at the party and wanted to get them a gift when I do so, however I’ve recently stopped working and don’t really have any spare money to use. I know the girls won’t care about a gift but it’s something I really wanted to do and I guess maybe as its the norm these days I feel a bit of pressure. We’re paying for a full buffet meal plus a possible bar tab with some help from the parents but anything else is on us. I dont want to feel stingy -I guess my question is… is it OK to get the gift I had my heart set on giving them after the event?”#MWDilemma
Dilemma of the Day: “I’m terrible at spilling food on myself on any given day and I’m extra paranoid about staining my beautiful white dress at my wedding. Does anyone have any tips for avoiding or getting rid of stains on a wedding dress? I don’t want to go the whole day without eating anything, but I also don’t want to look like a mess! I’m seriously considering wearing a bib at dinner.” #MWDilemma
Question of the day: “I’m invited to a wedding in the Hunter Valley (the couple, myself and most of the guests live in Sydney). Does this count as a destination wedding? We’ll be staying the night as so paying for accomodation as it’s probably not a good idea to drive 3hrs after the wedding – it finishes at midnight. What is the gift etiquette? Nothing was mentioned on the invitation….” #mwquestion
Dilemma of the Day: “Our flower girl is very close to us and she has her own room at our home. Her parents are close friends who frequent date nights and birthday parties. On rare occassions (maybe 6 times in 2 yrs) their son comes, who is EXTREMELY hyper and can not behave. Runs, jumps, hides under tables, picks his nose and touches food. We politely asked that he not come to our wedding and said we sympathise but we know he could not sit still for 3 hrs. They are now saying if he can’t come none of them will including our flower girl. He rarely comes over anyway so we don’t understand the difference in the birthday party 2 weeks ago where he did not attend and our wedding day. This is breaking our hearts. Do we walk away from our friendship with them all or risk our wedding day to disaster? Are we in the wrong for excluding him? #MWDilemma
Dilemma of the day: “I got engaged 9 months ago and I still haven’t set a date for the wedding. I just can’t seem to get motivated to plan anything or start researching at all. Everyone keeps asking me the plans and every other bride I know is so excited to plan their wedding. I am not. Does this mean there is something deeper wrong with my relationship or is this normal?” #mwdilemma
Drowning in a dilemma? Confused with a question? Let us ask our community and get your wedding day problems solved! Send us a private message on Facebook.