Planning a wedding is all fun and games until you feel yourself going from a beautiful blushing bride to a total bridezilla. We totally understand that planning a wedding is pretty much mission impossible and the stress of it all can turn the very best of us into a bit of a handful. That’s why we’re here with a few tips to make sure you avoid turning into a dreaded bridezilla.
Wedding Planner To The Rescue…
As your wedding to-do list gets longer and longer, planning your big day can start to feel more like a job than a celebration. Take precautionary actions early on to avoid any future meltdowns on the big day and hire yourself a wedding planner! Your wedding planner will become your go-to wedding expert/personal assistant/organisational extraordinaire and will save you a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Alternatively, if your budget won’t cover a wedding planner, ask your friends and family if they can help you with some of the tasks on your to-do list. They’ll be overjoyed that you’ve asked them to play a part in making your big day come together!
Reality Check…
Everyone wants their wedding to replicate the fairytales they used to dream about when they were young but it’s important to make sure your expectations are actually achievable. Bouquet filled with blush coloured roses? Check. Wavy, princess hair dotted with delicate florals? No problem. Horse drawn carriage that leads you to an extravagant castle? Hm, maybe not. Make sure your wedding ambitions are within your reach to avoid being disappointed when your wedding budget doesn’t allow for 100 white doves to be released at the exact moment you say “I do”.
See more from Anna and Patrick’s destination dream wedding here
No I In Team…
This may seem fairly obvious but when it comes to planning your wedding, don’t forget about your fiancé! It can be easy to get swept up in creating the wedding of YOUR dreams but remember, it’s his wedding too. Give your husband-to-be opportunities to speak up and listen to his opinions so that your wedding can be a perfect reflection of who you are as a couple.
Fall in love with Nabi and Oskar’s Thailand wedding
Me Time…
Traces of bridezilla can emerge when you start to feel like you’ve got too much on your plate so beware not to take your crankiness out on the people around you. Instead, take a step back and treat yourself to some well deserved ‘me time’. Go get a massage, watch a cheesy rom-com or even just have a nap. Give yourself time to relax and reset your brain so you can go back to wedding planning feeling calm and refreshed.
Get more tips on how to reduce stress here
Please And Thank You…
Your bridal party would probably walk over hot coals barefoot to make sure you have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t forget to remind them how grateful you are to have them by your side. Your gal pals have taken time out of their busy schedules to be at your fittings and rehearsals and spent their hard earned cash on dresses and gifts. So, take every opportunity to thank your bridesmaids for being there with you and don’t make them regret saying yes to joining your bridal party by acting like a bridezilla.
Nabi and Oskar’s dreamy destination wedding
Don’t Sweat The Little Things…
To avoid any wedding day meltdowns, it’s important to accept the inevitable that something may go wrong. No matter how much time you spend obsessing over the details of your big day, there will probably be a hiccup. If you make peace with this early on, when the expected hurdle does arise, it’ll just roll off your back and you can go right back to celebrating. Don’t let it ruin your day! Assuming that every little detail is going to go off without a hitch is just setting yourself up for a bridezilla meltdown of epic proportions.
Be inspired by Talin and Anton’s wedding celebration at Dolton House
For The Love Of Love…
Above all else, remind yourself why you’re getting married! The goal of a wedding is not to have completely symmetrical centrepieces or exactly 32 rose petals on each table. You’re getting married to celebrate the love you have for your significant other and celebrating with your nearest and dearest. Take a deep breath, remind yourself of this end goal and feel the holds of the bridezilla rage release you.
See more from Deb and Carol’s vibrant vineyard wedding here
Give yourself peace of mind by reading through these stories of the worst bridezilla moments ever witnessed, knowing that you’re definitely not that bad!