Coronavirus anxiety is real and can put an immense strain on our lives. While we are stuck inside, we may be relying on our partners for emotional support, forced to spend more time together than ever before! So how can you use this period to strengthen your relationship even further and remain productive? We will take you through some tips to make the most of lockdown with your partner…
Establish a routine…
Quarantine hasn’t been productive for all of us! Sometimes its easier to set no expectations and spend your day bingeing your favourite Netflix show with a bag of popcorn. However, giving your day some structure can massively help your stress levels, and lessen the built-up anxieties with you and your partner. This can be done by choosing a set space to work, separating home life from work life to ensure you don’t get in each other’s way. Wake up and get ready as usual to set yourself up for a productive day. Appreciate the circumstances that have allowed you to have lunch together! So use that time to talk and enjoy each other’s company.
Cooking class…
This is the time to embrace new activities and taking up new hobbies! With all the ample time you now have free, you can spend time together trying new recipes. This could be baking some delicious cakes and sweets or experimenting with new dishes. Cooking together creates the opportunity for more conversation, communication, and joint decision making, leading to a healthier relationship and an even better dinner!
Via Pinterest
Gym Junkie…
With not much opportunity to leave the house, there is no better excuse to get out of your home than to exercise! Not only will the fresh air do you and your partner wonders, but working out together can improve the efficiency of your workouts, increase your emotional bond, and motivate you together to work harder! Use this time to make positive improvements together!
Date night…
We all know how comfortable it is to sit all day in that old dressing gown, but there is nothing better than the feeling of looking good and the confidence it brings you! Choose a night during the week where you can put on your favourite outfit, pop on a bit of makeup and do your hair for a date night in! This can change the dynamic for the week and give you both an event to look forward to.
Declutter and redesign…
This time at home is the perfect opportunity to fix those pesky issues that have been bugging you forever! Together you may choose to clean out cluttered rooms, sort through cupboards and wardrobes. Maybe this is the time to take up a new hobby together, for example planting flowers, a veggie garden or painting various rooms in the house. This is a great bonding activity, and a way to work together to create the ideal environment for the two of you to live in!
Game night…
Discover what board games or card games you enjoy most! With a game of monopoly, you are sure to spend hours giving each other some needed, undivided attention and let your worries fade even just for a little while. Fortunately, games can be played over video calls, so feel free to involve your friends or family to feel a bit more connected.
It is so important to keep in mind you and your partner’s mental health and stress-levels at this current time. Meditation or yoga are great ways to incorporate some quality time. Doing this once a day will increase productivity and focus, decrease stress and help you stay calm! It only takes a few short minutes of your day and could make a massive difference to your work and your relationship.
Via Yogi Approved
Plan a holiday…
This is the time to start dreaming of your next getaway! There is nothing more motivating to get you on a plane and see the world than being stuck inside. Use this time to start the conversation with your partner about your next dream destination, and begin the research process. This can be a great way to give yourselves something to look forward to and create a sense of excitement together to get you through isolation.
Via Romania Insider
Book Club…
Reading a book can send your mind to a different world! Use this as a way to escape and put yourself in the shoes of new characters with different adventures. Reading a book with your partner is a great way for you to both immerse yourself in new conversations and distractions, creating a greater bond.
Looking for more ways to ways to make the most of lockdown with your partner? Check out how to have a date night during quarantine!