It’s not unusual to feel a little overwhelmed or confused with the world right now. It may feel like there is nothing else to talk about and that when you’re at home, there’s just not much to do! After all, we’re all just trying to stay sane! But in reality, there’s so much to do! Our friends at SuperFastDiet have suggested 12 awesome isolations tips to pass the time, take a little more control and bring some calmness to your life.
The Zone Out…
First and foremost, we encourage you to zone out from social media or the news when you feel it is a bit much. Of course, it is great to be informed but it is also ok to leave it behind sometimes to not cause too much worry.
The Great Isolation Bake Off…
Turn your house isn’t the great Australian bake-off! How about some bliss balls? Or low-cal brownies? Check out more easy recipes on the SuperFastDiet website!
Via SuperFastDiet
Virtual Hi…
FaceTime a loved one! Distance yourself physically, not socially! Zoom & House Party are really popular for doing so with lots of people. Give them a try!
Via Zoom
Uplift Yourself…
Listen to nostalgic, fun music & uplifting podcasts! Make a feel-good playlist on Spotify or get your favourite album and blast it. You won’t be able to help it but bop along. Check out some of our favourite Spotify playlists here and here!
Tidy time…
Declutter your HOUSE! Does the pantry need a tidy? Or what about the cupboard that you dare not look at? You may have the cleanest home you’ve ever seen by the time this is over. And you will feel so refreshed!
Treat Yourself
Pamper yourself! Have a bath, give yourself a face mask, a hair mask or just simply paint your nails your go-to colour. Need some new beauty products? Check out our must-have list here!
Memories, All Alone In The Moonlight…
Go through old photo albums and home videos! This is always sure to bring a smile to your face. Nostalgia is the best!
Add To Cart…
Do some online retail therapy. Helping businesses right now is so important! We are allowing ourselves to make a few little purchases at the moment.
Write It Down…
Journal what you are grateful for. Doing this allows you to feel grounded and appreciative when there is so much going on! Maybe try doing three daily whilst having your morning coffee.
Stroll Along…
Go for a walk. This has been encouraged as one of the few things we should leave our house for. It is amazing for your mind and your body!
Library Time…
Read a book! Whether it is one you know and love or one that has been on your ‘to read’ list forever, this is the time. It is always great to get to mind working and being distracted.
Gym Buddy…
Do a home workout in your lounge or your backyard! Yoga, Pilates or a HIIT circuit can be set up and easily done. Again, you can find plenty online, including through the SuperFastDiet membership! In the program, there are plenty of great exercises run by the wonderful Shannan Ponton, who you may know from the Biggest Loser, as well as some yoga which is all great to do at home.
Check out some of our favourite stretches here
Focus on YOU and your health! Need some more suggestions? How about these self-care tips!