After getting engaged to the love of her life, Laura found that she was struggling with weight gain. With a busy schedule already filling up her life, the added stress of planning a wedding wasn’t helping! With only eight weeks to go until the big day, Laura’s weight loss journey has left her feeling fabulous after losing 9kg’s with SuperFastDiet
Gave It A Go
In the twelve months after getting engaged, Laura and Ben moved into a share house with some friends. “I became lazy with my eating as well as exercise. There was also a lot of socialising and drinking that definitely contributed to my weight gain”. Although Laura continued exercising with beach walks and going to the gym, she was finding that she wasn’t seeing the results that she wanted. “I also tried a variety of ‘diets’ such as low carb, high protein meal plans, shake diets, tea detox diets, but they never really worked for me long term”.
The Motivation
Slowly, Laura noticed that her clothes weren’t fitting as well as they used to, but the realisation of her weight gain came when shopping for a wedding dress. “I went wedding dress shopping with my mum and I realised how unhappy I was with how I looked. The style of my dress is quite fitted and suited a slimmer shape so it was mainly this that motivated me to lose weight for my wedding”
Nine months before the wedding, Laura decided to give SuperFastDiet a go. “This year has by far been the craziest year of my life…which is why I have fallen in love with intermittent fasting! It suits my busy lifestyle so well as I am able to plan my fasting days around my work, uni and social commitments.” Laura is using the 5:2 method of fasting and has already lost an amazing 9kg’s since January.
The Countdown Is On
Ben and Laura are now counting down with eight weeks until the big day. It’s safe to say that Laura’s lifestyle change has had a wonderfully positive effect on her life. “I am feeling so much happier and positive about my weight. I have a lot more energy day to day, which is making getting through this crazy year a lot easier. After having my first wedding dress fitting recently, I was so excited to see the results of my weight loss and see the dress fitting my shape so well”
A New Lifestyle
Having started her weight loss journey in January, Laura has lost an amazing 9kg’s, with a hope to lose 3 more before her beautiful spring wedding. Despite setting out with this goal, Laura is now looking at both the scales and the feeling that comes with fasting. “I am not too concerned about losing the final few kilos as I am already very happy with my results, however I am going to continue to fast, as for me it is part of my new lifestyle and I feel so much better each day that I fast.”
To Future Brides
“My advice to other people wanting to lose weight for their wedding or any other reason would be to not put an unrealistic amount of pressure on yourself to lose weight quickly. Planning a wedding, although an amazing time, can also be very stressful at times, so placing pressure on yourself will not do you any good.” Laura’s final tip; “I found setting myself small goals on the way to my final goal weight really helped me stay on track and focused on where I wanted to be physically and mentally by our wedding day”
Are you looking for a fantastic way to lose weight fast? SuperFastDiet offers an online, easy-to-follow program with stacks of meal plans, sample days, recipes, twice-weekly video coaching and every tip and trick you’ll ever need to get amazing results for your big day. SuperFastDiet is offering ½ price membership for a limited time. JOIN FOR 4 WEEKS FOR ONLY $14!