Planning a wedding in the midst of a global pandemic is no easy task! There have been so many new rules and regulations introduced that it can be hard to keep track of it all. So, it’s super important to clearly communicate the safety measures you’ll be taking at your wedding with your guests. Here are our tips on how to talk to your guests about the COVID wedding protocols you’ll be taking on your big day.
Via Aevitas Weddings
Heads Up…
The most important thing when it comes to communicating COVID wedding protocols with your guests is to outline your expectations as soon as possible. When you send out your invitations, let your guests know which safety measures you’ll be following at the wedding. If you’d like your guests to wear face masks, request that each guest brings a mask to the ceremony and let them know there will be spare masks on hand if they need it. Encourage guests to bring their own hand sanitiser and remind everybody to practice social distancing throughout the day. If you’ve already sent out invitations, send out an email, or have a phone call with each guest to talk them through the safety measures you’ll be taking on the big day.
Via Into The Gloss
On The Web…
A great way to keep guests up to date with the COVID protocols you’ll be implementing at your wedding is through a wedding website! COVID restrictions are changing regularly so a wedding website is an ideal way to keep everybody updated with the latest safety regulations you’ll be following on the big day. Send your wedding website to all of your guests and encourage them to check the page frequently to prepare themselves for the safety procedures they’ll need to follow at the wedding.
The Tricky Conversation…
It’s definitely true that everyone handles the stress and anxiety of a pandemic differently. Some people may find themselves to be more stressed than others, and that is absolutely ok! Whether you are in a more vulnerable age bracket, you have some existing health issues, or are purely a cautious person, then you may find yourself to be a bit more anxious about the situation. When establishing new wedding protocols, it’s crucial to remember that everyone is entitled to feel safe and that you need to ensure your guests respect each other’s boundaries. A wrist band system can help establish who is comfortable with what, and will make everyone feel a bit more at ease!
Remember The Vendors…
Another important channel of communication to consider is with your vendors! As soon as you can, inform them of any guest list changes or new protocols that you’ve had to introduce. They may also have new restrictions or have changed their way of doing things so it’s super important to ensure you have clear communication with your vendors as your wedding day approaches.
Via The Love Diaries
Personal Touch…
If you’ve had to cut down on your original wedding guest list due to COVID restrictions, it can be hard to break this news to the people who you now have to uninvite from your celebrations. The best way to do this is to make the communication as personal as possible. Where you can, phone each guest and explain your regret for having to cut down on your guest list. If a phone call isn’t possible, send a touching and thoughtful email, reminding guests that you’re having to trim the guest list because you love everyone who was invited and you want to keep everybody safe. Try and avoid sending out an email blast to lots of people at once though as that could feel impersonal and insensitive.
Live Wedding…
Even though some guests might have to be uninvited from your physical wedding, they can still be a part of your big day! A great option for more intimate weddings is to live stream the ceremony so that you can still share your nuptials with as many loved ones as possible. For the people you’ve had to cut from your guest list, let them know about your virtual ceremony when you share the news that you’ve had to make changes to the invite list and let them know you’d love for them to still be a part of the day. Even for the guests who you would love to physically attend the ceremony, let them know the live stream is happening so that they have the option to join the celebrations virtually if they don’t feel comfortable being at the wedding.
Sneak Peek…
Another great way to communicate your disappointment with having to uninvite some guests from your celebrations due to COVID restrictions is by sharing your wedding photos with them first. Before you post your favourite wedding photos all over social media, share them with everyone who was on your original guest list so that they can relish in the memories of your wedding celebration. Once you’ve shared the photos with those who were on your guest list, then you can post them wherever you please! It’s the touching gesture of letting your loved ones see the photos first that will show them how much you wanted them to be a part of the day.
Change Of Plans…
Alternatively, if you’re a guest who can’t attend a wedding due to the pandemic, let the couple know as soon as you can. You may feel guilty about your circumstances changing and not being able to attend the ceremony but the bride and groom will definitely understand! These challenging times are all about being understanding towards people’s changing circumstances and the same will apply if you need to alter your RSVP response.
Via Wildly In Love & Sav Brown
Not sure how to tell your guests that you’ve had to postpone your wedding? Check out our favourite postponement card ideas here.